
Where is sensible action, & my insanity whence?                                                                                            See the difference, it is from where to whence.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Language Learning Resources at Your Fingertips- Part 4

This is the last section of these parts.

13. Explore a foreign language magazine

If the offerings at your local library don't satisfy your thirst for exposure to foreign language media, there are other ways to access foreign language magazines. Allyoucanread.com lists the top ten magazines (and top ten newspapers) in dozens of countries and provides links to the most recent online editions. There are innumerable foreign language magazines on specialty topics, from business to geography, from skiing to child-rearing. Here are some links to a variety of magazines in French and to several in German. You can search the web for foreign language magazines on specialty topics.

Alternatively, you could subscribe to your very own foreign magazine. Some magazines can be read online, but a print version offers unique advantages. You can find advertisements for familiar products but perhaps displayed in an unfamiliar way. You'll see advertisements for cultural products you've never seen before. Flipping through the print edition allows you to become acquainted with cultural peculiarities. Finding foreign language magazines in your field of interest is an excellent way to expand your ability to converse about something that you hold dear.

14. Locate heritage events in your area

Universities typically have international student clubs on campus that represent various ethnic backgrounds and cultures. Arab, Caribbean, Hindu, Iranian, Latino, Polish, Turkish, Ukrainian, and so many other student organizations abound on university campuses. Many such groups regularly organize campus events that raise awareness and appreciation of their respective cultures.

In addition, many communities have heritage groups beyond the university that preserve and teach others about the traditions of their homeland. Members are often immigrants or first-, second-, or third-generation descendants of immigrants. The groups usually meet on a regular basis. They plan and sponsor special events that honor folk traditions, such as regional dances and costumes, observe important holidays and celebrations, such as German Oktoberfest, Chinese and Iranian New Year, and region-specific Christmas customs. These groups sometimes arrange festivals and dinners, they offer language classes, and organize get-togethers of various kinds.

Both community and university heritage groups provide venues for establishing cultural contacts and practicing your language skills.

15. Listen to foreign language music
Ever have the experience of not remembering what you ate for breakfast, but being able to recall the lyrics of a song you last heard 10 years ago? Music is an excellent memory aid for language learners. Hearing and learning sung lyrics can improve vocabulary and pronunciation and can reinforce proper use of structures.

You can browse our compilations of German language music and Spanish language music, search for CDs of international music at amazon.com or alibris.com, or you can listen to live audio from international radio broadcasts. Mike's Radio World and Radio Locator list radio stations around the world with free streaming audio.

As you can see, there are ample opportunities to practice your language skills, and most are free. Take advantage of them and nurture your skills, and you will see your language proficiency grow.


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5 comments: on "Language Learning Resources at Your Fingertips- Part 4"

marzie babaei said...

hey shahab, it's been a long time u've not update ur blog, why don't u post new things?

Shahab Mahdavi said...

Hi. I am on two very big projects. I will have updated all my blogs by the end of this month. I promise.

Nasim said...

Hi! Thank you so much.. Happy New Year! I wish to achieve what you desire in 1389.. It was useful..

فرناز said...

سلام آقای مهدوی ممنون شما وبلاگ خوبی دارید. من که چرت نویسی بیش نیستم. موفق و پیروز باشید!...

Anonymous said...


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