These are the recommended lecture topics which can be chosen according to students' levels.
Recommended Lecture Topics
A. Elementary Students
1. A day of you from morning to night
2. A movie plot
3. Famous people biographies
4. How was your last vacation?
5. Describe your last travel to other cities and countries
B. Pre-intermediate & Intermediate Students
1. Clothes and Fashion
2. Public transportation
3. Air pollution
4. Environmental concerns
5. Which place is better to live in? Countries or big cities?
6. Traffic
7. To tip or not to tip!
8. Explaining a sport and its rules
8. Computer games
10. Teenager problems
11. Generation gap between parents and their children
12. Different kinds of painting
13. What is art?
14. Cinema
C. Upper-intermediate Students
1. Difference between modern and past life
2. Body language
3. Is it really good to be a vegetarian?
4. Strange customs and traditions in different countries
5. AIDS, bird flu, swine flu, etc
6. Which one is better to have? An extended or a nuclear family?
7. Is there any probability for existence of life in other planets?
8. Space missions
9. First or Second World War history
10. Natural disasters
11. Important inventions
D. Advanced Students
1. Inflation
2. Music and its influence on human brain
3. Crime rate in deferent countries
4. Volcanic activities
5. How to save energy sources?
6. UN, WHO, FAO, Red Crescent and any other international organization
(Shahab Mahdavi)